All you need to know about slip and fall accident cases
Slip and fall cases are prevalent in the state of California. Below we explain some aspects that you need to know if you suffer from this type of injury. The term “slip or fall” is used for a personal injury case in which a person slips or trips and is injured on someone else’s property. […]
A basic guide on the immigration process

Our main objective is to fight for the well-being of our clients. For many of them, the most significant concern is being able to maintain legal status in the United States and thus ensure a better life for their loved ones. Here are some legal factors that will be of great help to you in […]
Wrongful death in the state of California

In this week’s blog, we share the basics you need to know about wrongful death in the state of California. As we’ve featured on other blogs, personal injuries can often result in permanent damage, or in the worst cases, death. The passing of a loved one is always a harrowing event that can permanently change […]
Are you dealing with discrimination in your workplace?

Cases of discrimination and harassment often create many doubts because this type of labor abuse usually takes various forms. In the state of California, there are far-reaching laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment against people for the following reasons: Race Color Nationality Sex Religion Disability Pregnancy Age State and local laws can provide protection in […]
Wrongful death: the most common questions

The term “wrongful death” refers to a situation in which one person dies due to the misconduct or negligence of another. In these cases, the family members have the right to claim compensation for the damages caused to the victim. Here we answer three of the most frequently asked questions about wrongful death cases. # […]
What are the most common injuries you can suffer in a car accident?

In the state of California, thousands of drivers and passengers are injured in car accidents each year. Many of these people are lucky and fully recover from their injuries; however, others are left with permanent disability or pain. If you have been injured in a car accident, it is essential to seek the help of […]
Compensatory Damages for Personal Injury

You can file a personal injury compensation claim if you have suffered an accident and ended up injured due to someone else’s negligent behavior. For this process, it is necessary to have strong evidence that shows what happened and what damages you suffered. The most common damages are physical and mental health injuries, property and […]
Why do I need a lawyer for my case?

Personal injury (e.g., car, bus, motorcycle, or truck accidents) and wrongful death cases are often complex. While the laws are designed to offer relief to the victims of each accident, the surest way to achieve fair compensation is through an attorney with experience in the area. Some of the most important reasons to seek help […]